Remove the Stress and Anxiety of Complicated Risk Assessments

Richard Wilson March 25, 2022

What’s New in Release 7.7?

Avoid the pain of managing home-grown, spreadsheet-based, risk registers and assessments. In our newest release,  AuditComply has developed a new way to assess your IT & Business risk, providing a more streamlined, structured approach to capture risks across the enterprise.

[NEW] Simplified Assessment

If you’re familiar with our Advanced Risk Assessments, you will notice the Standard Risk Assessment structure offers a more simplified approach to adding requirements, capturing risks & implementing controls. 

[NEW] Prioritize Your Risk

As part of the Standard Risk Assessments we have removed the Detection rating &  RPN. Allowing you to leverage uncomplicated key risk indicator data to create an objective, value-added approach to risk priortiziation.

[NEW] Assign, Manage & Track Tasks

Add controls and tasks to mitigate and control risk, ensuring follow-up, review, completion & ownership across different business areas.

[NEW] Evaluate Control Performance

Understand control performance in real-time. If a control is no longer performing, actions can be taken to ensure residual risk is being managed and mitigated as it occurs. 

[NEW] Gain Clarity & Oversight

Identify risk, connect across silos & manage associated risk registers. Build a storyline of your risk profile using real-time insights & dashboards.

If you have any questions about Release 7.7 please visit our Help Centre for FAQs or get in contact with the AuditComply Support team directly at

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